Adopt a bee colony

Be part of our project

Get involved!

Seize the moment and Adopt a Bee Colony today. It's not merely an act of kindness; it's a resounding commitment to preserving the intricate web of life that sustains us all. Together, we can forge a future where bees not only survive but thrive, where ecosystems flourish, and our planet remains a vibrant and healthy home for all. Join us in this critical mission – adopt a bee colony and be part of the change our world desperately needs. 🐝🏡🌿

Thank you! 🙏🏻

Choose your kind of adoption!

Bee colony 🐝 🏠

Embark on a meaningful journey by adopting a bee colony, where your commitment extends to supporting rescue initiatives, supplying the necessary materials and time for crafting a dedicated bee house, and ensuring continuous care for the well-being of your chosen colony. Your thoughtful participation plays a vital role in the conservation of bees and the rainforest in beautiful Costa Rica.

Bee village 🐝🏠 🐝🏠 🐝🏠

Selecting to adopt an entire bee village means you are safeguarding a vibrant community of stingless bees. On our farm, each village consists of 3-5 bee houses strategically placed on a wooden platform. Your adoption not only supports the care and well-being of individual colonies but also contributes to the preservation of an entire bee village ecosystem.

Why conserve bees and biodiversity?

Bee conservation isn’t just about bees; it’s about safeguarding biodiversity. Bees, as pollinators, foster the reproduction of a diverse array of plants, nurturing ecosystems. By preserving bee populations, we protect the intricate web of life, ensuring the rich tapestry of biodiversity remains intact. In nurturing bees, we nurture the world’s biodiversity.

  • Human activities, such as deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture expansion, have led to the destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats. This loss of habitat disrupts ecosystems and displaces both plant and animal species, including bees.

  • The widespread use of pesticides, especially neonicotinoids, harms bees by affecting their ability to forage, navigate, and reproduce. These chemicals weaken bee colonies and contribute to their decline.

Why adopt a colony?

Bees are facing perilous times, grappling with habitat loss, pesticides, and disease. But with your unwavering support, we can change the narrative. When you choose to 'Adopt a Bee Colony', you step into the role of protector for these incredible pollinators. Here's why your involvement is of paramount importance.

  • Bees stand as the unsung heroes behind one-third of the food on our plates. By adopting a bee colony, you become the driving force behind the pollination of the crops that feed us.

  • Bee colonies are microcosms of biodiversity. Your adoption is not just about bees; it's about safeguarding the multitude of species that rely on the delicate balance of diverse ecosystems.

  • “Adopt a Bee Colony” is more than just a financial contribution. It's an opportunity for you to delve into the fascinating world of bees, their behaviors, and their critical role in our environment.

  • Funds from this program are channeled directly into the care and conservation of bee colonies. By adopting, you're ensuring safe habitats for bees and supporting sustainable beekeeping practices.

  • Your decision to adopt a bee colony places you at the forefront of a global movement to protect these pint-sized champions. Your participation serves as a beacon, guiding others to take a stand for bee conservation.

How does it work?

We are going into deforestated areas and rescue stingless bees and bring them to our property located in the jungle where they move into a save new house. Once they are strong again we'll bring them to areas where they help to enhance or conserve the biodiversity. Rescuing and relocating the bees in our selfmade woodhouses takes a lot of time, skills and energies of our working team. “Adopt a bee colony, and watch your impact blossom. You’re not just saving bees; you’re nurturing biodiversity, one hive at a time. Join us in preserving nature’s harmony.”

  • Your commitment to bee and rainforest conservation will be recognized with a personalized adoption certificate.

  • Your name will proudly adorn the beehouse, symbolizing your support for the adopted bee colony.

  • Stay connected with the colony's progress through regular updates, showcasing their activities and contributions to the rainforest ecosystem.